Yes, improper breathing can indeed affect neck tension.  To understand this statement we have to appreciate the anatomy of the lungs.

The lungs are shaped like an elongated triangle….apical shaped at the top and wider base at the bottom.  This means that more air could be held at the bottom of the lungs and less at the top.  So it is reasonable to naturally rely more on the bottom of the lungs to effectively take in more oxygen (especially during endurance activities) since the top of the lungs do not hold as much capacity.  Unfortunately, sometimes due to habits, trauma, breathing dysfuntions, anxiety and pain etc, we begin to breath more with our upper lungs and less with our lower lungs.  Since the top of the lungs do not hold as much oxygen, we are having to breathe more with the upper lungs to satisfy our body’s oxygen requirements.  When we breath with our upper lungs, we activate the neck muscles.  Over-reliance on the neck muscles over time can cause neck tension.  If you are wondering if this is something that is affecting you, please have a conversation with us to see if this is something we can help you improve upon.  Please speak to Kenny 604-871-0365.  Our next blog will outline some tips to help reverse this breathing dysfunction.

About the author
  1. Migraines give me stress/tension headaches. So I have a Icepack on my for headache and heat pack on my neck/head.

    • Kenny Mark

      Hi! Generally, warmth is good for stress and tension headaches but if there is some swelling to an area, then some ice can reduce the swelling that may be contributing to the headache.



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